Christogenea Miscellaneous Program Archive

William Finck on the Free American Hour with Clay Douglas 04-09-2010

60:49 minutes (6.96 MB)

William Finck on the Free American Hour with Clay Douglas 03-30-2010

59:28 minutes (6.81 MB)

I will be on this program again on April 9th, 2010

Matthew Chapters 1 and 2 - Sword Brethren 12/19/2009

78:14 minutes (31.34 MB)


Sword Brethren's Come Out Of Her:

12/19/09: Matthew Chapters 1 and 2

Translations and Mistranslations - Sources of Scripture - Sword Brethren 08/16/2009

61:55 minutes (7.09 MB)


Sword Brethren's Come Out Of Her:

08/16/09: Translations and Mistranslations - Sources of Scripture

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