October 2010
James Chapter 2 - Yahweh's Covenant People 10-30-2010
83:09 minutes (9.52 MB)
Answering Eli's early-program question, an interlinear James 1:23 translation:
23 ὅτι [because] εἴ [if] τις [one] ἀκροατὴς [a hearer] λόγου [of the word] ἐστὶν [is] καὶ [and] οὐ [not] ποιητής [a doer] οὖτος [he] ἔοικεν [is like] ἀνδρὶ [a man] κατανοοῦντι [observing] τὸ πρόσωπον [the appearance] τῆς γενέσεως [of the race] αὐτοῦ [of him] ἐν ἐσόπτρῳ [in a mirror]
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- 2550 reads
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- 48 plays
Ezekiel Chapters 40 through 42 - Christogenos 10-29-2010
90:04 minutes (10.31 MB)
- 2259 reads
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- 64 plays
Voice Your Support For Clint McCance
Yes, High School Principals do have the right to voice their opinions. And even further, they have a moral obligation to uphold Christian values in a Christian society as an appropriate role model and authority figure should! Write to dstanley@midlandschools.org and support Clint McCance. For more information see http://sb.christogenea.org/blog/?p=72
- 976 reads
Christogenea Forum Call 10-25-10
121:42 minutes (13.93 MB)
- 2049 reads
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- 45 plays
Ezekiel Chapters 38 and 39 - Christogenos 10-22-2010
128:41 minutes (10.15 MB)
- 2822 reads
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- 114 plays
Christogenea Forum Call 10-18-10
163:07 minutes (18.67 MB)
The last Joe Pennsylvania Forum Call Debate. The man is absolutely hopeless!
- 2276 reads
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- 65 plays
The Testament of Judah, Part 1 - The Voice of Christian Israel 10-17-2010
137:40 minutes (11.18 MB)
Greg Howard and William Finck discuss the first half of the apocryphal Testament of Judah. For the full text of the Testament of Judah see http://newensign.christogenea.org/testament-of-judah
Below are William Finck's notes for the program:
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- 3190 reads
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- 72 plays
James Chapter 1 - Yahweh's Covenant People 10-16-2010
98:28 minutes (11.27 MB)
- 2175 reads
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- 68 plays
Ezekiel Chapter 38 - Christogenos 10-15-2010
87:09 minutes (9.97 MB)
- 2693 reads
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- 100 plays
Christogenea Forum Call 10-11-10
161:36 minutes (18.5 MB)
On casting lots, and many other assorted topics.
- 1992 reads
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- 34 plays
10-10-10 Day of Prayer and Fasting Segment 5- Eli James with Sword Brethren
113:19 minutes (12.97 MB)
This was not really a Yahweh's Covenant People program, but we will stick it here for archiving purposes. I think this program sucked, it was Eli's idea, and I really wanted to do my third segment of The Christian Institution of These United States in this spot. Eli never did seem to know the difference between bullshit and meaningful content. So when I had opportunity to fill in for Eli on a Sunday two weeks later, I did it then and called it 10/10/10 Part 7. While Eli did not know it, by the time of these 10/10/10 programs our split was pretty much assured. I was surprised it lasted another three months.
After the split with Eli, I took this program offline at Christogenea. I don't remember why, as I left nearly all of our other programs online, and now they are here. This segment only had 37 downloads when I took it down. That is how many it has as I write this for the new archive site where it is now posted. The other segments I had done in relation to this program had many thousands of downloads. In fact, I posted my three segments of The Christian Institution of These United States on Eli's old website, and before the dummy lost all of his podcasts with that old site, they were the most-downloaded programs there, with well over 20,000 between them.
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- 2004 reads
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- 18 plays
10-10-10 Day of Prayer and Fasting Segment 6 - The Black Robe Regiment
118:42 minutes (13.58 MB)
Eli James, Sword Brethren and William Finck join for the final segment of the 10-10-10 Day of Prayer and Fasting for a discussion of the Black Robe Regiment - the Christian pastors who helped to inspire the American Revolution, and other miscellaneous topics.
- 2049 reads
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- 126 plays
Ezekiel Chapters 37-38:7 - Christogenos 10-08-2010
89:35 minutes (10.25 MB)
- 2328 reads
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- 88 plays
Christogenea Euro Forum Call 10-07-10
169:45 minutes (19.43 MB)
- 1868 reads
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- 21 plays
Christogenea Forum Call 10-04-10
21.9 MB
- 1907 reads
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- 41 plays
The Epistle of Jude - Yahweh's Covenant People
87:21 minutes (10 MB)
- 2394 reads
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- 65 plays
Ezekiel Chapter 36 - Christogenos 10-01-2010
85:32 minutes (9.79 MB)
- 2153 reads
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- 62 plays