
Isaiah Chapters 62 through 66 - Christogenos 06-25-10

86:47 minutes (9.93 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 62 through 66

Isaiah Chapters 57 through 61 - Christogenos 06-18-10

91:09 minutes (10.43 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 57 through 61

Isaiah Chapter 51 through 56 - Christogenos 06-11-10

87:19 minutes (9.99 MB)

Isaiah Chapter 51 through 56

Isaiah Chapters 47 through 50 - Christogenos 06-04-10

85:34 minutes (9.79 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 47 through 50

Isaiah Chapters 42 through 46 - Christogenos 05-28-10

87:57 minutes (10.07 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 42 through 46

Warren's Shaft and Hezekiah's Tunnel

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This video clip is archived here as a companion to the May 21st, 2010 Yahweh's Covenant People program by Eli James and William Finck, which discussed the Assyrian siege of Jerusalem with isaiah Chapter 36.  Preparing for the siege, Hezekiah the king of Judah built a tunnel through which water was brought into the city from the Gihon Spring (see 2 Chrosnicles 32:30), which allowed Jerusalem to withstand the siege.

Isaiah Chapters 36 through 41 - Christogenos 05-21-10

98:58 minutes (11.33 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 36 through 41

Click the icon for a PDF  file containing a scan of pages 287-288 of Ancient Near Eastern Texts Relating to the Old Testament, J. Pritchard, editor, Princeton University Pres, 1969.  It contains translations of inscriptions of the Assyrian king Sennacherib describing his siege of Jerusalem, his capture of the fenced cities of Judah, the deportation of the Judahites, and his boast that Hezekiah was left locked up in the city like a bird in a cage.  The boast, masking the failed siege of the city, is a good and early example of what we term today as political "spin".


Isaiah Chapters 33 through 35 - Christogenos 05-14-10

92:25 minutes (10.58 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 33 through 35

Isaiah Chapters 28 to 33 - Christogenos 05-07-10

95:02 minutes (10.88 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 28 to 33

Isaiah Chapters 24 through 27 - Christogenos 04-30-10

88:19 minutes (10.11 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 24 through 27

Isaiah Chapters 19 to 24 - Christogenos 04-23-10

88:40 minutes (10.15 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 19 to 24

Isaiah Chapters 17 and 18 - Christogenos 04-16-10

94:13 minutes (10.78 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 17 and 18, with a recap of someof the chapters covered last week.

Isaiah Chapters 8 through 16 - Christogenos 04-09-10

83:55 minutes (9.6 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 8 through 16

Isaiah Chapters 4 to 8 - Christogenos 04-02-10

94:54 minutes (10.86 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 4 to 8

Isaiah Chapters 1 through 3 - Christogenos 03-26-10

97:05 minutes (11.11 MB)

Isaiah Chapters 1 through 3

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